
Born in Santa Fe New Mexico, I have been immersed in the multicultural matrix of that magical area since birth.  I had to learn how to navigate our modern culture while living with one foot in each world. My childhood clearly illustrated that the well-being of the land and the different peoples living here only comes about when we all understand and work with the full community in all the realms.

My grounding, companion, and guide on my spiritual path is the great and generous spirit of the Horse Clan. I had the great gift of being introduced to horsemanship by a true schoolmaster, a Colonial Spanish colt from the Baroque bloodlines that came to the American Southwest with the first immigrants from Spain. This horse not only taught me to ride High School dressage, he kept me on my feet, literally. Without him, I would have succumbed to the neurological damage I suffered form trauma, heavy metal poisoning, lightning strikes and environmental toxicity.

My series on horsemanship integrates the energetic and mystical aspects of riding with the pragmatic skills of horse handling in the mundane world. Learning how horses move and perceive their world allows us to enter into their realm respectfully. Developing our own body awareness allows us to communicate with horses in a way that they understand. As we humans become aware of our connections with our horse we can also become aware of the living world around us.

My Spanish Colonial colt also opened the doorway into the long and mystical history of his lineage for me. The Grail or Medicine Horses have carried their riders through the veil between realms for millennia. Their influence on us humans has been so thoroughly infused into our world view that we call the rhythmic tools of the shamanic trance state, the drum and the rattle, the steed that carries us to the other side. Since not all of us are able, or called, to ride a physical horse into the visionary realms, I have also explored other avenues of connecting with Nature Wisdom through our bodies.

I am certified by the international Felicitas Goodman Institute based in Germany, a sister institute to the local Cuyamungue Institute. Felicitas Goodman was introduced to the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest by my father in the 1960’s, and those experiences here led Dr. Goodman into her life work on religious altered states of consciousness and ritual trance postures.  In the mid-90’s Daniel Statnekov, who did the original research and replicas of the ancient Peruvian whistling vessels, made  a set of seven whistling vessels specifically tuned to facilitate the transition between brain states for me.

My work with the Rune Field (click here) has its roots in my father’s search for healing through his ancestral lineage.  His mother ‘s side came from Germany and called themselves Eiches, or people of the Oak Tree, while the name passed down on his Scottish father’s side was Earl Annon, or Lord of the Spiritual Realms.  My search for the creative heart of the Rune story is both a very personal journey of healing and transformation and an offering to all those who have similar calling to honor and revive their ancestral lineages.

Our body is the sacred vessel through which we experience the wonders of existence. But very few of us have access to the various methods to open the many windows to the soul that have been treasured through out time by spiritual seekers.The World Tree deck of cards (click here), is gift from my spiritual and physical ancestors I was given so that those of us who have lost our indigenous knowings can experience a sense of the greater community that sustains our lives her on this lovely planet.

I have traveled in the United States and Europe sharing my knowledge and experiences. Having a billion volts of electricity travel through my body on a clear February evening in 2014 when a bolt of positive lightning decide to use my body to leap to the stratosphere has made me focus on writing instead of workshops. Webinars and video talks are now available through Matthew Wood’s Institute of Herbalism.

19 thoughts on “About

  1. It was with great pleasure to discover your blog. So much synchronicity, too much to explain here. I understand why I see a pale cream horse when meditating. Regarding myofascial release. Thisi is the cutting edge of bodywork now. I was training here, in the the UK, the John F Barnes method. It is a revelation, the mind body connection in the physical seems to be held in the fascia. The current understanding is leading to the conclusion that there are no individual organs, or rather no separation – it’s all fascia.
    Thank you for sharing you knowledge. Much joy and love to you and your horses.


  2. Hello! I am really glad you visited my site, Not This Song, and thus helped me discover yours. I think it is fascinating. Though I know little about many of your topics, I love alchemy and its symbolism as well as other languages of the archetypes. I look forward to reading more or your archives and your ongoing work, and I wish you well.


  3. Hi Sara,
    wonderful. you are the first blogger I’ve had an experience with! 🙂 you might wanna try misspell check…..I saw some words 🙂 what a blessing you are to us!
    walk in peace…. lonetta


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