Just Say NO to ‘Cloud’ Computing

I don’t keep ANY of my files in the ‘cloud’ and I will never keep any of my files in the ‘cloud’.

For one thing, there is no such thing as ‘cloud’ computing. There are banks and banks and banks of computer servers using huge amounts of space and energy creating huge amounts of heat and waste.

For another, it makes all my information vulnerable to corporate idiocy.

My second hand mac has been sending me repeat notices that the icloud storage I never enabled is full. So I figured how to turn it off and cancel it.

When I turned on my laptop mac this morning, my desktop was blank.

Shutting down icloud remote storage deleted EVERY SINGLE file I had on my own personal laptop.

I’ve figured out how to get a lot of the individual files back, but it will take me days to get them organized again, especially since many of them are duplicated at least once, sometime in ‘bursts’.

I don’t know what Apple thinks they are achieving with this move, but I can tell you what the effect on me is.

I will NEVER EVER buy another Apple computer/phone/tablet/geek toy.

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