A Pair of Bay Square Barb Boys

Elroy, Two year old bay Jicarilla Apache colt practicing the halt.

Elroy and I have been practicing stopping and standing. His reaction the first time I said ‘Whoa’ in the round pen was to bolt as though he had been shocked with an electric prod. He was in such a blind panic he crashed into the fence and went all the way to the ground. Both of us have been more cautious since.

Now Elroy will even stand long enough for me to snap a few photos. This morning when I was looking through my Barb connections on line, I saw the photo below as part of an article pleading for Barb fanciers to breed true to type regardless of where the horses are located…not just according to pedigrees. I was struck by how similar the build and the stance between these two individuals from breeding populations separated by oceans and centuries are.

Bay Barb from Elevage D’Ivoire Barb Breeders

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