Impy Eats and Eats and…

Normally, I make sure that my hay lasts thru to the first cutting of grass,which is usually mid to late summer here in Northern New Mexico. THis year, I’ve run short early. Partly because I ended up filling my hay barn in July, not September. And partly because I’ve been feeding two young growing horses […]

Elroy Learns to Longe

Usually when I let Elroy and Impy out to wrassle there is lots of spinning about, rearing up and bowing down for ankle biting. There is very little trotting calmly about in circles unless I’m in the pen with my longe whip. I want them both to understand that no matter how frisky they feel […]

Impy’s Ancestry and Genetics Results

Before I head into the breakdown of what I’ve learned about Impy’s ancestry and genetics, I’m going to offer up a brief history of the Painter horses. Bob Painter was one of the idiosyncratic crusty old Westerners that wanted to preserve an Old West that may never have actually existed. He grew up ranching, with […]

My Painter Pony Updates

Although my Painter Pony would like you to believe I have been ignoring him dreadfully, that is not entirely so He did model my ergonomically designed longeing cavasson, which continues to disappoint. I haven’t yet discovered what horse’s head it is designed to fit. In spite of that, I eventually managed to persuade my Painter […]

Elroy’s Episodes

I’ve been concerned about Elroy’s extreme stress response from the start. But when he went into a full-fledged eye-rolling hind end collapse a few weeks back, I feared the worst. I have had three horses with central nervous system issues, including seizures, and the prognosis is never good. Thankfully I have a wise and understanding […]